II Encuentro Internacional de Investigación Colaborativa Intercultural en Atalaya, Perú. Universidad Católica Sedes Sapientiae-NOPOKI, 2-5 de Julio, 2018
Este evento reunido a antropólogos, investigadores, colaboradores y líderes de diferentes Pueblos Originarios, estudiantes de la universidad intercultural NOPOKI y representantes de la Asociación Intercultural de Atalaya. Este grupo diverso de gente se congregaron en un ambiente pensado para el diálogo, la interacción horizontal, y la colaboración con la finalidad de reflexionar sobre la investigación colaborativa, las relaciones interculturales y los problemas social, económico y ambiental en la Amazonia Peruana contemporánea.
Descargar el Reporte del II Encuentro 2018 (pdf)
2nd International Meeting for Intercultural Collaborative Research in Atalaya, Peru. Universidad Católica Sedes Sapientiae-NOPOKI, July 2-5, 2018
This event brought together anthropologists and researchers, and students, collaborators and leaders representing a range of Indigenous Peoples from the region. This diverse group of people came together in an environment designed for dialogue, horizontal interaction, and collaboration with the purpose of reflecting on collaborative research, intercultural relations and the social, economic and environmental problems facing the Peoples and environments of Peruvian Amazonia.

Encuentro Internacional de Investigación Colaborativa Intercultural en Atalaya, Peru. Universidad Católica Sedes Sapientiae-NOPOKI, Atalaya, July 13-17, 2017
Este taller programado justo antes del inicio del congreso de la SALSA en Lima reunirá durante cuatro días a antropólogos y investigadores con colaboradores de los pueblos originarios, estudiantes universitarios indígenas y representantes de la Asociación Intercultural de Atalaya. El evento tendrá lugar en el campus de la Universidad Católica Sedes Sapientiae-NOPOKI, ubicada en la capital de la provincia de Atalaya, en la región Ucayali de la Amazonía Peruana.
El taller reunirá a este grupo diverso de gente en un ambiente específicamente pensado para la reflexión, interacción horizontal colaboración para explorar el potencial productivo de reunir estas perspectivas, con la finalidad de reflexionar sobre investigación colaborativa y relaciones interculturales.
International Meeting for Intercultural Collaborative Research in Atalaya, Peru: Universidad Católica Sedes Sapientiae-NOPOKI, Atalaya, July 13-17, 2017
The workshop brought together anthropologists, indigenous collaborators, and indigenous university students and professors for four and a half days (13-17th July) on the campus of the indigenous branch of Universidad Católica Sedes Sapientiae (NOPOKI) located in Ucayali Region, Peruvian Amazonia. The four main themes we discussed were: (1) the significance of previous ethnographic encounters from the perspective of anthropologists and their indigenous interlocutors; (2) the impacts of anthropological research and engagement on contemporary indigenous lives; (3) ongoing research by NOPOKI students in their own communities; and (4) the development of topics and methodologies for future collaborative research projects between participants.
The event was built around both scholarly and indigenous forms of communal assembly and discussion, in a setting designed for reflection and symmetrical engagement with the objective of setting a collaborative research agenda with wider comparative value. Whilst we originally sought to create dialogue between anthropological interests on the ontological turn and collaborative research, our method was purposefully adaptable to include any salient topics of interest for local participants. Thus, we included representatives from the Peruvian Ministries of Culture and Education as participants to set a more direct pathway to impact on decision-makers in relation to indigenous education and languages.